Thank You from the 2014 Auto Show
March 10, 2014
Thank You from the 2014 Auto Show

Dear Member Dealers,
As the close of the 2014 Cleveland Auto Show is upon us, I would like to thank you for your involvement in making this Show another success. The real measurement of whether we met our goal of launching the selling season for our members will come shortly, however I am confident that we are off to a good start.
Rest assured, your Show Chairman, Ed Babcock and your GCADA staff have committed every effort to reach our Show's goal of selling motor vehicles. We need to keep this momentum rolling therefore we have committed resources to a post-show advertising campaign to encourage customers to visit their new motor vehicle dealer for post-show deals and incentives.
I would like to extend a special thank you to all the local marketing representatives and dealers for tagging and/or mentioning the Auto Show in their dealership ads and promotions.
This shows the power of our membership in building excitement and moving the market. Best of luck to everyone as the spring selling season is here.
 Lou Vitantonio Jr. President
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