GCADA Representatives Visit Capitol Hill
September 18, 2012
GCADA Representatives Visit Capitol Hill
GCADA Representatives Visit Capitol Hill
Pictured from left to right: Lou Vitantonio & Ellen Mastrangelo, GCADA; Marc Jacobson, Jay Honda in Bedford; U.S. Senator Rob Portman; Mark Moats, Mark Moats Ford in Defiance & NADA DEAC Director for Ohio; Joe Cannon, OADA; and Bill Reineke, Jr. from the Reineke Family Dealerships & NADA Director for Ohio.
A key component of GCADA’s commitment to its members includes providing Northern Ohio dealers with proper representation in Washington D.C. To that end, Marc Jacobson, our Dealer Election Action Committee (DEAC) Chairman, Lou Vitantonio and Ellen Mastrangelo, along with a delegation from OADA, attended NADA’s Washington Conference in the nation’s capital last week.
The Ohio contingency focused on making our members of Congress aware of issues of importance to our dealers, including the extension of a federal Estate Tax rate, opposition to the LIFO accounting method repeal, retention of the overtime exemption for service advisors, repeal of the NHTSA insurance cost mandate, and opposition to Right to Repair legislation.
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