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Upcoming Events: Seminar Schedule

HAZMAT Training, Testing & Certification
Friday, March 21, 2025 - 9am-12pm
9150 S. Hills Blvd. Broadview Heights, OH 44147
SAFE: $0 GCADA Member: $45/pp Non-Member:$90/p
HAZMAT Training, Testing & Certification
Thursday, December 12, 2024 - 9am-12pm
9150 S. Hills Blvd. Broadview Heights, OH 44147
SAFE: $0 GCADA Member: $45/pp Non-Member:$90/p
Forklift Safety Training & Certification for Dealership Employees
Wednesday, December 04, 2024 - 9am-12pm
Ken Ganley Honda
SAFE: $0 GCADA Member: $50/pp Non-Member:$100/pp
Professional Automotive Sales - Next Level Training - Building Value and More!
Monday, November 18, 2024 - 8:30am-4:00pm
GCADA - 9150 S. Hills Blvd. Broadview Hts. 44147
Members: $285/pp Non-Members: $500
F&I Manager's Guide to Compliance - YOUNGSTOWN / BOARDMAN
Thursday, October 24, 2024 - 10:00am-1:00pm
Holiday Inn Youngstown / Boardman
Members: $75/pp Non-Member: $150/pp

News & Updates

Park Ford Offers Vehicle Giveaway at Tallmadge High School
June 17, 2013

Park Ford Offers Vehicle Giveaway at Tallmadge High School

In 2009 Park Ford reached out the principal at Tallmadge High School to develop a program that ends up with one student winning a brand new Ford from Park Ford.  The criteria were developed by a team of staff members and students, who developed the program now named “Drive For Success”.

Tickets for entry into the random drawing are earned several ways, including perfect attendance, grade point average, community service, teacher nominations, and more. Launched in September of 2009 for the 2010 graduating class at THS, the drawing his held at the end of each school year during their awards ceremony. Teachers and staff members at the high school have commented that the car giveaway has had a positive effect on the students.

There were over 4000 tickets earned by students for the 2013 graduating class drawing, held at their Senior Breakfast at the Sheraton in Cuyahoga Falls on Tuesday, May 21. Facilitated by THS principal Becky DeCapua, the giveaway vehicle was a 2013 Ford Fiesta.

Shown in the photo is winner Abigail Wilhite, who plans to attend The University of Akron this fall.

Rick Keck, General Sales Manager
Park Ford
400 West Avenue
Tallmadge, OH 44278

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