Spring Sale on Odometer Statements
April 24, 2014
Spring Sale on Odometer Statements
Spring Sale on Odometer Statements Buy 10 packages of Odometer Statements and receive 2 packages FREE!
Who needs Odometer Statements? The answer is easy, all dealerships need Odometer Statements, and it is for this reason that the Association has asked HM Marketing, Inc. to offer members of the Greater Cleveland Automobile Dealers’ Association a very special deal on the most common form in the business.
For the month of April, any member of GCADA that orders 10 packages (1 box) of Odometer Statements will receive two packages of Statements at no charge! When was the last time someone offered you 20% more of something for the same amount of money? This is a great opportunity to order your supply for the summer or even beyond.
If you are currently using HM Marketing for your printing needs, give Bob Marini or Mike Clark a call today to take advantage of this opportunity. If you are not currently using HM Marketing for your form needs and want to take advantage of this Spring Sale, please call Dennis Rose at your Association at 440-746-1500 or you can email Dennis at drose@gcada.org.
HM Marketing is the preferred printing vendor for the GCADA Printing Program and the only authorized vendor for GCADA copyrighted forms. The company has consistently provided lower pricing, prompt delivery and great service to GCADA Members. If your dealership is not currently using HM Marketing, our Spring Special is an ideal opportunity to experience the numerous benefits of GCADA’s Printing Program through HM Marketing, Inc.
If you should have any questions, please call Dennis Rose at 440-746-1500.
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